We’ve gone 1.0! Go download ColdFusion on Wheels 1.0 and give it a try. If you’re upgrading from a previous version, please review the instructions for Upgrading to 1.0 (even if you’re upgrading from the release candidate). Read the rest of this entry »
ColdFusion on Wheels Blog
Methods for Tracking Change
Per gets down and dirty with a new chapter in the Documentation called Dirty Records. Really it’s all about tracking change to your database records dynamically.
Give it a read and learn about the power of methods like hasChanged(), XXXHasChanged(), XXXChangedFrom(), changedProperties(), allChanges(), and more.
Wheels 0.9.2 Release
We’ve released ColdFusion on Wheels 0.9.2 into the wild this evening. No new features really, but quite a few bug fixes.
Download version 0.9.2 and bring your Wheels app that much closer to 1.0. (We’re getting really close.)
Documentation Updates: Pages, Sending Email, and Configurations
We have 2 new chapters and 1 updated chapter in the Documentation.
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Wheels Added to CFML Framework Generator for Eclipse
Robert Burns was pretty quick at adding Wheels to his CFML Framework Skeletons plugin for Eclipse after we released version 1.0. Read the rest of this entry »
Released Today: ColdFusion on Wheels 0.9.4
We’ve just released ColdFusion on Wheels version 0.9.4 today on CFWheels.org. Thanks to Per Djurner, Tony Petruzzi, and James Gibson for contributing new features and improving the stability of the framework. And thanks to the community for feedback and supporting our efforts. Our presence is really starting to grow.
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Screencasts Are Back
This blog has been a little quiet lately, but believe me that plenty has been going on behind the scenes.
We’ve released a new section on our site for Screencasts. I’ve started a series on building a fake social networking site, and the first 2 episodes are there:
Wheels API Documentation Available
The documentation now contains a section that documents all public functions in the Wheels API. You can now browse an complete list of the functions or browse by category.
It feels good to remove the apology for incomplete documentation from the documentation section! Read the rest of this entry »
Hello Database Tutorial
As a follow-up to the Hello World tutorial, we’ve just released a tutorial called Hello Database.
As its name suggests, the point of this new tutorial is to help you get a jump start on learning about Wheels’s ORM functionality. This is not an exhaustive walk-through but rather a taste so you can dip your toe into the pool.
If you’ve been on the fence on whether you’d like to try ColdFusion on Wheels, give the tutorial a read.
Wheels Round Up for 2009/12/11
I would like a couple hat-tips to Sean Corfield for mentioning Wheels in his blog entry about Hal Helms leaving CFML.
And to ColdFusion Open-Source Update by Brian Rinaldi who regularly mentions Wheels along with all sorts of other CF Open Source news.
Finally, Thanks to Ben Forta, yes Mr. ColdFusion himself. He mentions Wheels 1.0 Release. Read the rest of this entry »