ColdFusion on Wheels Blog

New Documentation: Using Layouts Chapter & New Tutorials

Right now is a pretty good time to be learning ColdFusion on Wheels. You can review the documentation that’s been written and learn as we write new chapters. So far, I’m guessing that it would be pretty easy to keep up with us!

If you haven’t been keeping up with the conversation in the discussion group, we’ve been producing some great new material. Up in the Docs are 2 new videos and 2 new written chapters.
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Weekend Reading: New Documentation

Along with the 0.8 release of Wheels came a whole slew of new chapters in our Documentation. If you were looking into learning a little bit more about the framework over the weekend, the Docs are a great place to start.
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Come Get Your Fresh 0.7 Release!

ColdFusion on Wheels is back with its triumphant 0.7 release. We’re glad to have Wheels’s ORM features back, along with a complete rewrite of the code base for improved performance. We’re hoping to write about great uses of the ORM features in particular in the coming weeks.
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Upgrade to Wheels 0.8.1

We just put up a bug fix release that fixes a few critical errors with the 0.8 version:

  • Problem when placing application in a sub folder is now taken care of.
  • An error when trying to nullify a field is now fixed.
  • Missing rewrite rules for Apache are now included in the zip file again.
  • Wheels now runs fine on case sensitive operating systems once again.

You can download it from here.

Thanks to everyone who reported errors and helped us test the solutions!

Released: ColdFusion on Wheels Version 0.8

It’s only been a few short months, and we’re proud to already be releasing version 0.8 of Wheels!

This is an important release to everyone involved with the project. It proves that this framework is more than a toy and that we’re heading strongly toward a 1.0 release.
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Creating Custom URLs in Your Wheels App with Routes

Today, I released a chapter in the Documentation called Using Routes.

Routes are a pretty cool feature of Wheels because they let you step outside of the URL convention that can sometimes feel like shackles.
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Contributing to Wheels

As the project has been transitioning to “one guy doing all the work” to a true community effort, we’ve had a slight amount of growing pains. Of course, this is a great problem to have. But obviously, we need a little bit of structure.

In light of this, I’ve posted the first version of our process and guidelines for contributing to Wheels:

That said, we have some exciting features coming up in the next 0.8 release, and we need your help.

We’ll announce more details here soon.

Getting Started Video Tutorial

[Update: A newer version of this has been released as a “Hello World” tutorial. We’ve updated with that with a link to the new video rather than the old one.]

Here is the first Wheels video tutorial. To be honest it’s the first screen cast I’ve created also, but I think the quality turned out pretty good. This tutorial covers how to download and install the latest Wheels build, create a couple of pages, add dynamic content to the pages, link the pages together, and finally modify the default framework settings so one of the new pages is displayed as the default page.

Watch Hello World Screencast

New Documentation: Sending Files

Per whipped up a quick chapter on Sending Files with Wheels’s sendFile() function.

You may feel that sending non-HTML files to the browser is a trivial task, but this functionality makes securing those files dead simple.

Thanks, Per!