LitePost Contest Screencasts

Here are two 5 minute screencasts to help you get started for the Wheels Litepost Learning Contest.

Getting Started Outline

  1. Check out Litepost through SVN
  2. Run the SQL query to create the Litepost tables
  3. Download Wheels and installing
  4. Configure the datasource for Wheels
  5. Create a model cfc
  6. Create a controller to call the model
  7. Create a view

Getting Started Screencast link

Getting Started Notes

  • Really, the first step is done to get the create tables sql script so we can create our Litepost tables and so you can review other frameworks implementation of Litepost. You could grab blogTables.sql and run it.
  • I skipped showing setting up a ColdFusion instance and creating the Litepost datasource for time purposes.
  • The scaffolding plugin will generate the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functionality for you in a few seconds.

Creating CRUD in a few seconds Outline

  1. Download Scaffolding Plugin and install
  2. Generate User Model, View, and Controller
  3. Review user interface generated
  4. Review Model code generated
  5. Review Controller code generated

Creating CRUD in a few seconds Screencast link

Creating CRUD in a few seconds Notes

  • You will have to repeat the scaffolding plugin code generation for each table needing CRUD.
  • Finish the other requirements


Please email entries to include your name and your Wheels/LitePost example. Any code emailed may be used by ColdFuson On Wheels.


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