Submit Your Feedback on UserVoice

A couple weeks ago, we launched a UserVoice forum for feedback about the Wheels website itself. To submit feedback about our website, simply go to the website and click on the red Feedback tab along the left side of the screen. You can also vote for other features and improvements that others have suggested.

And hey, we’ve actually implemented our first idea generated from your feedback! Our first UserVoice request was implemented last week: the site-wide search engine for Now you can search through the entire website for any content or documentation that you may be looking for. We’ll be reviewing data that the search engine collects to improve your experience even more.

It’s been pretty clear all along that feedback about the Wheels framework itself should go in our issue tracker, but requests for the website were starting to get mixed in with that. Now the two trackers are separate but equal.

Have an idea for our website? Go ahead and submit your idea now.


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