New Documentation: Sending Files

Per whipped up a quick chapter on Sending Files with Wheels’s sendFile() function.

You may feel that sending non-HTML files to the browser is a trivial task, but this functionality makes securing those files dead simple.

Thanks, Per!


  1. Raul Riera says:

    Are this docs “linked” from the ones at Google code? Or they are drafts there and appear here when they are final?

  2. Chris Peters says:

    Good question. I’ll work to get a notice on all of the wiki pages to help clear this confusion!

    The documentation posted to is the “official” documentation for the most recent release.

    The Google Code wiki contains “bleeding edge” documentation that may or may not be edited. It also may reflect a version of Wheels that hasn’t yet been released.

  3. Sam says:


    The documentation has a feature to post comments, which works cool, but has one issue. I just posted a comment with XML code, but is not appearing without the tags. I viewed the source and my tags are still there, only that they have not been converted to HTML entities.
