Archive for August, 2011

Welcome Don Humphreys to the core team

Please join me in welcoming Don Humphreys to the Wheels core team. Don has certainly grabbed our attention over the past few months with development of the CFRel and ColdRoute plugins, which bring some significant Rails 3 features to Wheels.

Congratulations Don! We’re looking forward to your contributions to the project.

You can follow Don on GitHub as dhumphreys and Twitter as @dhumphreys88.

Upgrade to ColdFusion on Wheels 1.1.5 Today

We’ve released ColdFusion on Wheels version 1.1.5. This release addresses some regression issues with 1.1.4 that some of you reported involving plugins deployed in a subfolder install of Wheels. Thanks to your help, Tony Petruzzi was able to fix this issue quickly.

Wheels 1.1.5 also fixes an issue where values generated by the select() form helper were not being HTML-escaped. This fixes a potential security hole, so we recommend updating as soon as possible.

To upgrade, simply download the zip file and replace the wheels folder in your application with the new wheels folder from the download.

Thanks to those of you who helped report, pinpoint, and troubleshoot these issues. Your help has made the Wheels framework a better tool for everyone.