Archive for July, 2011

ColdFusion on Wheels 1.1.4 released

Today, we’re releasing ColdFusion on Wheels version 1.1.4. This release fixes numerous bugs and adds a nice feature: Now you no longer need to create a zip file to start working on a new plugin. You just create a folder for it in the plugins folder and start coding your CFC.

To upgrade, you just need to replace the wheels folder in your application with the new wheels folder in the zip file. (more…)

Help us test the ColdFusion on Wheels 1.1.4 release candidate

Tony just built a release candidate with changes slated for ColdFusion on Wheels 1.1.4, and we’ve made it available for download.

This release includes some stability and bug fixes. But most notably, version 1.1.4 now allows you to develop plugins without needing to have a dummy zip file packaged. Just create the plugin directory and start coding your plugin.

Help us test this out in your environment so we can be sure that 1.1.4 is ready to go!